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Tips and Tricks

Below are some helpful tricks to help you in your adventures.

Change Verbosity During Scan

Press enter during a BBOT scan to change the log level. This will allow you to see debugging messages, etc.

Kill Individual Module During Scan

Sometimes a certain module can get stuck or slow down the scan. If this happens and you want to kill it, just type "kill <module>" in the terminal and press enter. This will kill and disable the module for the rest of the scan.

You can also kill multiple modules at a time by specifying them in a space or comma-separated list:

kill httpx sslcert

Common Config Changes

Speed Up Slow Modules

BBOT modules can be parallelized so that more than one instance runs at a time. By default, many modules are already set to reasonable defaults:

class baddns(BaseModule):
    max_event_handlers = 8

To change the number of instances, you can set a module's max_event_handlers in the config:

# increase the "baddns" module to 20 concurrent instances
bbot -t -m baddns -c modules.baddns.max_event_handlers=20

Boost Massdns Thread Count

If you have a fast internet connection or are running BBOT from a cloud VM, you can speed up subdomain enumeration by cranking the threads for massdns. The default is 1000, which is about 1MB/s of DNS traffic:

# massdns with 5000 resolvers, about 5MB/s
bbot -t -f subdomain-enum -c modules.massdns.max_resolvers=5000

Web Spider

The web spider is great for finding juicy data like subdomains, email addresses, and javascript secrets buried in webpages. However since it can lengthen the duration of a scan, it's disabled by default. To enable the web spider, you must increase the value of web_spider_distance.

The web spider is controlled with three config values:

  • web_spider_depth (default: 1: the maximum directory depth allowed. This is to prevent the spider from delving too deep into a website.
  • web_spider_distance (0 == all spidering disabled, default: 0): the maximum number of links that can be followed in a row. This is designed to limit the spider in cases where web_spider_depth fails (e.g. for an ecommerce website with thousands of base-level URLs).
  • web_spider_links_per_page (default: 25): the maximum number of links per page that can be followed. This is designed to save you in cases where a single page has hundreds or thousands of links.

Here is a typical example:

web_spider_depth: 2
web_spider_distance: 2
web_spider_links_per_page: 25
# run the web spider against
bbot -t -m httpx -c spider.yml

You can also pair the web spider with subdomain enumeration:

# spider every subdomain of
bbot -t -f subdomain-enum -c spider.yml

Ingesting BBOT Data Into SIEM (Elastic, Splunk)

If your goal is to feed BBOT data into a SIEM such as Elastic, be sure to enable this option when scanning:

bbot -t -c output_modules.json.siem_friendly=true

This nests the event's .data beneath its event type like so:

  "type": "DNS_NAME",
  "data": {
    "DNS_NAME": ""

Custom HTTP Proxy

Web pentesters may appreciate BBOT's ability to quickly populate Burp Suite site maps for all subdomains in a target. If your scan includes gowitness, this will capture the traffic as if you manually visited each website in your browser -- including auxiliary web resources and javascript API calls. To accomplish this, set the http_proxy config option like so:

# enumerate subdomains, take web screenshots, proxy through Burp
bbot -t -f subdomain-enum -m gowitness -c http_proxy=

Display HTTP_RESPONSE Events

BBOT's httpx module emits HTTP_RESPONSE events, but by default they're hidden from output. These events contain the full raw HTTP body along with headers, etc. If you want to see them, you can modify omit_event_types in the config:


Display Out-of-scope Events

By default, BBOT only shows in-scope events (with a few exceptions for things like storage buckets). If you want to see events that BBOT is emitting internally (such as for DNS resolution, etc.), you can increase scope_report_distance in the config or on the command line like so:

# display events up to scope distance 2 (default == 0)
bbot -f subdomain-enum -t -c scope_report_distance=2

Speed Up Scans By Disabling DNS Resolution

If you already have a list of discovered targets (e.g. URLs), you can speed up the scan by skipping BBOT's DNS resolution. You can do this by setting dns_resolution to false.

# disable the creation of new events from DNS resoluion
bbot -m httpx gowitness wappalyzer -t urls.txt -c dns_resolution=false



URL_UNVERIFIED events are URLs that haven't yet been visited by httpx. Once httpx visits them, it reraises them as URLs, tagged with their resulting status code.

For example, when excavate gets an HTTP_RESPONSE event, it extracts links from the raw HTTP response as URL_UNVERIFIEDs and then passes them back to httpx to be visited.

By default, URL_UNVERIFIEDs are hidden from output. If you want to see all of them including the out-of-scope ones, you can do it by changing omit_event_types and scope_report_distance in the config like so:

# visit and extract all the links
bbot -t -m httpx -c omit_event_types=[] scope_report_distance=2